Saturday, May 17, 2008

Alright, Alright, Alright!!!! I'll update!

Ok, I know, it's been forever, and I'm sorry. But here is the latest going on in my life. I moved down to Provo almost 3 weeks ago, and I really like it. I love having the mountains so close, and the fact that it's much warmer than Idaho.

Hailee and I went to move in all of our stuff into our apartment, but none of our roommates were around. So we decided to snoop around the apartment and see if there was an empty room for us. As we made our way down the hallway, we peaked our heads in the rooms only to find that every single bed had stuff on it. So we're thinking, "Great, what do we do now?" Well, we decided to just sit around and wait for our roommates to show up so we could ask them where we were supposed to sleep. So we sit and sit and sit some more. No one came home. We decided that we might as well get some sleep, so we made the couches our beds for the night. Eventually around 1am a girl finally came in. Of course she was surprised to see two complete strangers sleeping in her living room. We talked to her for quite a while and found out that she had just moved in also. There were another two girls who were living there but one works the night shift so she was never home, and the other girl was engaged, so she was always out with her man. So Hails and I still ended up sleeping on the couches. When our other roommates came home, it was about 7am. They weren't friendly at all, and seemed extremely annoyed that we were there. I thought the whole situation was ridiculous so after Hailee left for work (she mows lawns) I made a little call to management. I explained to them the whole situation and that it just wasn't gonna fly. The girl I talked to was really nice and she let us switch into another apartment.

Our new roommates are all a ton of fun, and I think it's going to be a great summer. Our ward is great, even though I don't really know a lot of people yet. I'm sure I will though once they get FHE families organized and everything. I am working at American Family Insurance, and I really like it. My boss is super nice, and so are all the people I work with. The one frustrating thing is that 3/4 of the people that come into our office speak primarily Spanish. I know about three words in Spanish, so that part really bothers me. I feel stupid when I don't know what they're saying, and I don't know how to help them.

Matt, Andrea and fam are moving to the Provo area (not IN Provo. I have to mention that or Andrea will get mad because she hates Provo.) and so it will be great having family so close. I bought my season pass to Seven Peaks, which was super cheap. They open next Saturday, so let the fun begin!

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. Life flies by before you even get the chance to put your pants on!