Unfortunately, there's not much to talk about, so this could be kind of boring. First off, my hair is getting pretty long, which I hate, but Dave loves it. I can't wait for the day when I get to chop it all off again. Short hair is way more fun.
I was cleaning off my memory card a few days ago (this only happens 2 or 3 times a year) and came across a whole bunch of pictures I'd forgotten about. Please enjoy this post of completely random pictures.
The above fauxtograph was done by yours truly. Yes, that's right. I had to use on-camera flash. I'm so ashamed. We were having a multi-stake youth dance, and I was asked to help with pictures. I let them know that I didn't have any strobes, and asked them what the lighting conditions would be. They said the backgrounds would be set up in a room with lots of light. When I showed up, the backgrounds had been put in the gym where the dance was being held. Basically, it was pitch black in the corner where they had set it up. My worst nightmare. I know I should own strobes, but as most of you know, portraiture really isn't my thing, so buying that sort of equipment just isn't really practical. Oh well. At least I didn't charge money for the pictures :)

In January we took our annual trip to Phoenix with a group of our Utah friends. We decided to go on a hike in the Superstition Mountains. Unfortunately, we didn't come across the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine, but we did find "God's Thumb." At least that's what some semi-crazy man told us it was called. We were a little worried we wouldn't make it to the top before sundown, but you can tell by the shadows creeping in that we made it just in time.

Last but not least. Dave, Tony, and I went camping a few weeks ago (because NM is awesome, and you can do that sort of thing in March). Dave thought it would be funny to see if Tony could balance on this post. Obviously she proved she could. This dog has the best balance I've ever seen. One time I was kneeling on the ground, and she decided to jump up on my shoulder and sit like a parrot. A couple of weeks ago I had her in the car with the window rolled down. I was outside the car washing the windshield, and she jumped up into the window frame and sat there while I finished. I have a circus act on my hands. Someday I'll post a video of her jumping. My aunt Brenda calls Tony "Flubber." I'd say that's a pretty accurate name.
Also, I'll give a dollar to the person who can tell me how to get rid of the stupid white bar that shows up when you click on a picture. Anyone?
That's it for now. You'll be hearing from me the next time I clear off my memory card...