Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Fresh Start?

Once again, I have completely failed at blogging. Did I even need to point that out? Don't answer that... Sometimes I think about just deleting this thing, because I never use it, so I'm going to try something different. I'm going to try to post once a week. Notice I said "try." Since my attention span is that of a goldfish (possibly shorter), there's a good chance I'll completely fail at this task. Anyway, I plan on posting anything funny I've come across, adventures in the Hensley Household, pictures I've taken, hilarious things about my dog (who doesn't love animal posts?! Only Commies.), etc... Don't worry, I'll try to make the entries short, because no one likes posts that take an hour to get through.

So let's start this thing off right. Here are a couple pictures from a ski trip David and I took to a place called Sipapu. Yep. You pronounce it just like it looks. Sip-a-poo. Maybe I'll send a prize to the person who can come up with the most immature joke involving the name. I probably won't actually send a prize, but we should have a contest anyway. You know, between the two people who read this blog.

The snow was slushy, and the resort was pretty pathetic, but I guess you can't expect too much when you live in NM. It was 60 degrees! Unfortunately, I put my lift pass on my coat, so I was forced to wear it, even though I wanted nothing more than to take it off. I was dying. So even though 60 degrees is awesome in March, it doesn't make for the best skiing conditions. My dad would be sad to know that I'm not hardcore enough to ski in my jeans like he does.

Here was my view after a pretty great wipe out. It turns out I'm no good at skiing after 15 or so years of not doing it. Sad face.