Provo has been awesome. My crazy roommates are just so fun! One of them (Molly) is on a trip to Europe for 2 months. I'm pretty jealous, but she went by herself so I hope she doesn't get lonely. That part I'm not so jealous about. It has been crazy weather here. It will be 90 degrees one day, and then the next it's in the 50's and raining. My apartment is super close to the mountains, but when it rains you can barely see

It's been fun having Matt and Andrea so close. The other day Matt and I found out that our offices are less than a block away from each other. I can actually see his from my window. It's so funny how things like that never happen when you're hoping they will. Not that I was hoping it wouldn't happen :)
I have to speak in church tomorrow. I'm already nervous, so that's not a good sign. I'm just hoping that I don't break down crying. I hate crying when it's just me, let alone in front of a whole crowd. I haven't had to give a talk in about 4 years so I'm a little bit rusty. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my composure.
Um, good thing you didn't go to my graduation speech. It was humiliating-I started crying after TWO seconds. Just don't start with a gay joke or say the phrase "bear with me"
K, also Jeff broke his collar bone longboarding, so be careful!
Glad to hear that you are recovering from your cold. How is your recovery from getting schooled in Scrabble by the Scrabble Master? Prob not so good.
Well considering that the Scrabble Master TOTALLY cheated, I don't feel bad. Especially since Andrea and I are the ones who had to tell him how to spell "Guineas."
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