Well, I have no life now. Ever since I left Provo, I have been a bump on a log. I never realized how boring my life was until now... I need a man. That might spice things up huh? Classes start on Monday, so that will keep me busy. In the meantime, I am looking for a job. As A.J. would say, "Ih8jobhunting." Here are some pictures from my adventures in Provo. Sorry this update isn't cool, but like I said, I have a boring life, therefore, there is nothing to blog about ;)

Stewart Falls

Me with David and Dave.

I heart Tiki men!

Me and some roomies.
Hey I'm coming up tonight! It's my friend Kathleen's birthday, so I'm not sure what the plans are, but I'll be around!
I miss you. We actually had an almost stranger watch the kids tonight. They did fine, and she seems very nice, but it's so much nicer having family here. :)
The capris didn't get mailed today--hopefully tomorrow.
Hey I tagged you, so now you can write a new post!
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