Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wanna See What I've Been Working On?

Ok, so today one of my professors sent me a text message saying that Apple was interested in hiring me on as an intern for the summer. They need to see a digital portfolio, and since my website isn't exactly up and running, I decided to just put my work on a blogger account for now. Not as cool as my own website, but definitely better than nothing. Here's the address if you want to check it out.
Only a small portion of my work is up at the moment but I will add more.

P.S. Wanna hear a great song? Check out "Dream" by Priscilla Ahn. It's pretty much my new favorite song.


Andrea said...

That's so cool that Apple wants you! Hope it works out. The pictures are very good.

Hilary said...

COOOOL!!! Ashlee, you are seriously so awesome, frills.

I hope it works out for you!