The 4th of July is by far my favorite holiday. I think it's because I'm kind of a pyromaniac. I love to watch stuff explode! What's better than parades, BBQs, and good company? Nothing! This year we (when I say we, I mean my roommates and I) went to the parade, and then later in the day played softball with some friends from our old ward. We happened to be the only girls there. It was pretty funny because most of the guys were hardcore competitors. It was a lot of fun though. Matt and Andrea had us over for a BBQ later that evening. We played some football with the kids and then lit some sparklers and ground flowers. Jonas had a fun time throwing pop-its at me. We left around 10 and got home just in time to watch the end of the Stadium of Fire.
Here are some pictures from the day's activities.
We went to Smith's to get some Creamies and decided to take some pictures while we were at it. I'm on the lookout for a Smith's employee who could kick us out for taking pictures in their store. Michelle is just trying to be sneaky and not get caught :)

Dear Comic Sans,
I hate you. And I hate the fact that people use you on their store fronts. You give designers nightmares. Please do us a favor and give up the ghost.

We decided that Zoie needed to learn how to throw a Frisbee. With a last name like ours, it's a must.

Jonas is blowing me a kiss in this one, and Zoie is just being plain cute.

Jonas wanted to show off his sweet three wheeler.

Matt talked Jonas into throwing Pop-its at me.

My roommates decided it looked like fun, so they had a go at it too. Thanks girls ;)

Zoie loved the Pop-its. Almost as much as Michelle.

Zoie with a sparkler.

Ok. This picture wasn't taken on the 4th, but it was taken the day after if that counts :) We went up to Bridal Veil Falls with some friends, and Hailee told me to do a model pose. Here you go. Tyra isn't going to know what hit her next season.
I love the new layout, it is smokin cool. Hails said you guys had a fun 4th of July. You look so dang cute, we totally miss you girls. You really should come visit!
it just took me forever to fine the "post a comment" link, because it's white. just letting you know :)
Love the ANTM shot. Love the comic sans letter. Love your patriotism.
I suck at frisbee.
Ashlee, how are you ever going to leave the Jell-O Belt with a shirt like that?
I'm sorry. It's the only red shirt I could find with my limited resources :(
Ash, how did you get this blog background? I went to the site and wasn't seeing any background options. Just asking cause I love it and want it too. :)
Love the pictures. Glad you guys came over.
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