Blowing up the balloon.

If you look in the upper right hand corner, you can see our van. That's also where we took off.

The Uintas clouded in smoke.

Not related to hot air ballooning: Michelle, Hailee, and I had to move out of our apartment because our contracts were up. While we were packing, Michelle came across all of her fun stuff from her three month stay in New Zealand. She misses NZ tons, so it made her a little sad when she had to go through it all. We decided that in order to cheer her up, we should play dress up :) It worked great I might add.
Mish and me in our NZ garb. The NZ islands are on our shirts in case you were wondering. We're also eating Tim Tam's ( the best cookies ever!). If anyone offers you a Tim Tam slam, do yourself a favor, do not object!

That sounds pretty sweet and I have to admit. . . I am a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous.
It's still hard to believe how big those balloon baskets must be if you had 12 people in there. Wow!
Ash, wow! That is an amazing once in lifetime kind of experience...good for you. This Dave guy seems alright! Haha. "Take Luck" with this next semester. Loves Ya.
PS Take luck is Brian Regan's mess up of Take Care and Good Luck. A funny video I'm sure you have seen.
Alls I'm saying is I'm happy we were able to play dress up! Thanks for going to New Zealand with me!
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