While I love Facebook just as much as the next person, sometimes I just have to roll my eyes at the things people post.
Number one pet peeve: Those stupid status updates that say things like, "If you've ever put a band-aid on a scraped up knee or kissed a boo-boo. If you've ever taught your daughter to ride her bike or held her when she cried, post this as your status." Or, "If you have a dad who has always been there for you, who taught you how to throw a ball, or change the oil in your car, post this as your status to show him publicly that you love him." Come on people! Really? I tell my dad I love him every time I see him or talk to him. Do I really need to prove my love for my dad through FB? I think not. Especially since my dad isn't even on Facebook. And those posts about your daughter? She's probably not even old enough to read!
Number two pet peeve: I don't need status updates on your kids. I really don't want to hear about them blowing chunks or their snotty noses. If you post things like this on a regular basis, I've most likely blocked your updates from showing up on my news feed. If you want to post something about your kids, it better be awesome.
Number three pet peeve: The "I am sooooo blessed" status updates. You come off as braggy. I'm glad you love your husband and that your mom came over and helped you clean your house, but I don't want to hear about it on FB.
Number four pet peeve: Excessive religious posts (or anti-religious). You know what I'm talking about. I know church leaders encourage us to represent our religion, but I think you represent it in a bad way when you're constantly posting churchy things. I think it's best to teach people by your example, not shoving your beliefs down their throats. Non-members or less-active members think you're crazy. And I do too. But the same thing goes for people who are always spreading hate about religion.
Number five pet peeve: Political posts. Once again, you look like an idiot. I know you think everyone in Utah and Idaho have the same political views as you, but you're wrong. Believe it or not, I do NOT hang on every word Glenn Beck says. In fact, I think he is a complete moron. Burn me at the stake...
*Sheesh. This blog is turning into a complainathon. Sorry guys!
Okay, since everyone else is doing it, so am I. I have been sucked into the world of blogging!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Things I've Learned Over a Year

I have been married for a year. Pretty crazy, huh? Well, more than a year now. Our anniversary was on May 20th, but don't be hatin' just because I'm a little late with this post. I thought I'd write a little list of the things I've learned through marriage.
I don't cook nearly as much as I should. I like to cook, it's just that it seems we're always out doing something and never home. Or we get home really late, and by that time all I want to do is go to sleep.
If something is broken, Dave will not stop until he finds a solution to fix it. He will stay up until the early hours of the morning to figure out how he's going to fix a leaky shower, a broken curtain rod, or his model airplane he's crashed 5 times. This is one thing that drives me NUTS, but he usually finds a solution.
It's impossible to get caught up on laundry. It's like it magically appears in the basket. I'm sure all of you "veterans" are laughing right about now. I know, I know, it will be a million times worse when I have kids.
I thought marriage would feel different. Like my life would suddenly change, and I would be completely different from when I was single. But that's not how it is. I'm still the same person, there just happens to be a dude in my apartment.
Things get easier as time goes on. A bunch of people told me this, but I guess I had to live it to really understand it. It's not like Dave and I were at each others throats all the time, but you do have to get used to living with someone else and meeting halfway on things.
Marriage is fun. Whether we're refinishing a table or on a road trip, Dave and I are usually laughing and joking around.
Boys are gross. It's not that I didn't already know this, but I had hoped it would be different once I got married. Nope! Dave farmer blows in the shower just like my brothers. No shame. But it's okay, because I still love him. And I still love my brothers... on occasion :) Just kidding!
Renting really stinks. I will not be sad when we own our own house. As I type this, I'm listening to the neighbor's baby scream. Not to mention they have control over the thermostat, and anytime they flush the toilet while I'm in the shower, I have to go to the emergency room to get treatment for my third degree burns. Okay, so that's a little dramatic, but the water feels boiling hot! But as they say, experiences like this will only make you appreciate owning your own place even more.
I lucked out. Seriously. Dave is a great match for me. When I'm all hopped up on a hormonal BC rage, he's usually able to calm me down and make me smile. *Is that TMI talking about BC and hormones on a blog? Oh well...*
If something is broken, Dave will not stop until he finds a solution to fix it. He will stay up until the early hours of the morning to figure out how he's going to fix a leaky shower, a broken curtain rod, or his model airplane he's crashed 5 times. This is one thing that drives me NUTS, but he usually finds a solution.
It's impossible to get caught up on laundry. It's like it magically appears in the basket. I'm sure all of you "veterans" are laughing right about now. I know, I know, it will be a million times worse when I have kids.
I thought marriage would feel different. Like my life would suddenly change, and I would be completely different from when I was single. But that's not how it is. I'm still the same person, there just happens to be a dude in my apartment.
Things get easier as time goes on. A bunch of people told me this, but I guess I had to live it to really understand it. It's not like Dave and I were at each others throats all the time, but you do have to get used to living with someone else and meeting halfway on things.
Marriage is fun. Whether we're refinishing a table or on a road trip, Dave and I are usually laughing and joking around.
Boys are gross. It's not that I didn't already know this, but I had hoped it would be different once I got married. Nope! Dave farmer blows in the shower just like my brothers. No shame. But it's okay, because I still love him. And I still love my brothers... on occasion :) Just kidding!
Renting really stinks. I will not be sad when we own our own house. As I type this, I'm listening to the neighbor's baby scream. Not to mention they have control over the thermostat, and anytime they flush the toilet while I'm in the shower, I have to go to the emergency room to get treatment for my third degree burns. Okay, so that's a little dramatic, but the water feels boiling hot! But as they say, experiences like this will only make you appreciate owning your own place even more.
I lucked out. Seriously. Dave is a great match for me. When I'm all hopped up on a hormonal BC rage, he's usually able to calm me down and make me smile. *Is that TMI talking about BC and hormones on a blog? Oh well...*
Also, for those of you wondering, Dave will be leaving for Officer Training School around July 24th. He'll be in Alabama for three months, and I'll most likely be living in Rexburg during that time. It's really going to stink being separated for that long, but I keep telling myself it could always be worse.
When he returns, we'll be moving to Albuquerque (I almost got that without spell check. Dang it! Maybe next time), and he'll be working at Kirtland Air Force Base. He'll be working as an electrical engineer for their space program. We're pretty excited about the move, but we want visitors! So don't be shy.
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