Thursday, September 01, 2011

Some People's Kids

Today at work one of my coworkers was telling me about a person/s who has been entering unlocked homes in the area and taking food. After reading an article on our local news website, I realized that not only is this person taking food, but sometimes they are actually sleeping in these houses. Please read the article below...

An unusual string of circumstances has local people worried about home invasions, and now these folks are banding together to defend their neighborhoods from a wave of what they think may be squatters sneaking into homes and onto property.

Hannah Robinson said she woke up Monday night to the sound of a man sneezing in her basement."We don't have anyone sleeping in the basement, or down there at all, so that just alarmed me a lot," said Robinson.

Her husband quickly ran downstairs to find nothing but the sliding door ajar."I just tried to tell myself, 'It's not a big deal. We're fine.'" said Robinson.

The next night, as she rocked her youngest child to sleep she heard footsteps above her."So, then I just thought 'Well, it's one of the kids coming in. But they never came in. The next morning, when I was getting the kids ready for school, I noticed that the front door was open," said Robinson.

She posted her worries on Facebook that day and that's when responses came flooding in from neighbors and friends, who say they've had similar freaky experiences over the past few months.

Alan Beagley said he's seen lights late at night in his neighbor's field when everyone was in bed."We just thought it was some neighbor kids out having fun, but it got more frequent to the point that we didn't feel that way anymore," said Beagley.

Salemites came out for a meeting Monday night with the sheriff's offices from Fremont and Madison counties to address their woes.

Some said they've noticed small things missing like gas from their vehicles; while others say pets have disappeared.

Sheriff Len Humphries, with Fremont County, urged them to look out for each other."I'm encouraging them to organize a neighborhood watch program. It would be organized and give people a forum to let us know when they have problems, specifically to call us," said Humphries.

He said, in order to protect your home, it's important to call 911 when you see anything suspicious and keep doors locked, especially at night on your home and on your car.

About 60 people showed up to the meeting in Salem on Monday night. Humphries said they've had 9 of these strange reports. but he thinks many people just aren't calling police.

If you're leaving on vacation anytime soon, Humphries said you can call in to your local law enforcement agency and they'll gladly come out to patrol your home for you.

Other than the terrible punctuation and grammar, let me point out a couple of things. First off, this Hannah girl is obviously not the brightest bulb if she doesn't lock her door at night. Second, her filament is clearly broken and the bulb is not working at all, because after a stranger took things from her house and possibly slept in her basement, she still didn't lock the door the next night! I know you live in rural Idaho Hannah, but not everything is unicorns and rainbows.

Yes, some creepy man or woman is entering these homes illegally, but I feel like these people are bringing it on themselves. How hard is it to lock a door? I know it takes a lot of time and effort to turn that complex latch, but it's better to do that than to have a squatter in your kitchen enjoying your left-over tuna casserole at 3 in the morning.


Andrea said...

Crazy that people would enter an occupied home to crash for the night. But, more crazy that people leave their doors unlocked!

Casey said...

I couldn't agree more! One of the things that pissed me off so much while living in Rexburg was how people NEVER locked their car doors or homes. Maybe it's because I grew up in Chicago but I have NEVER left my home unlocked. Even when it's the middle of the day that door is locked tight. Stupid stupid people.

Jenni said...

I'm gonna go a different route and chalk this one up to ghosts.

Ashlee said...

Jenni, I am SURE you are right. They're tricky little things.

Michelle said...

Ash that was me. . . I was in their basement. I tried not to sneeze but I couldn't help it. Bwahaha!

Jiller said...

Well shoot, now I have proof to not clean my house...dust is an instant gypsy be gone! since they're allergic to it. Gotta love Rexburg and no one locking anything. Oh and since when do we start going to Facebook to voice our concerns? Next time I'm in a wreck or have gypsies, I'll be sure to update my status. Jill says: "Having the worse day ever! Totally just got hit by a car and I can see my spleen next to me. My new outfit is totally ruined! BTW does anyone know how to get blood out of a cardigan?! XOXO p.s gypsies were living in the basement but I didn't dust and I heard them sneeze, but they sure ran out quick!"

Ashlee said...

Hahaha! Jill, that is a way good excuse to not clean. I'll see if Dave will buy it :)

And I totally agree about the status updates. She's pretty much advertising the fact that her house is unlocked. There's going to be a big gypsy party going on her basement if she keeps telling everyone.

mommafriz said...

You people are all mean, I think people should unlock their doors, & bake cookies for the squatters...or ghosts....yup cookies will fix everything!