For example...
I have a mortgage payment. Weird.
I have power, water, and garbage bills.
I was VERY excited to buy a washer and dryer.
I cook almost every night. I don't really mind this one. I like cooking.
I'm always looking for fun ideas to make my house look cute. Thank you Pinterest!
In other news. I've finally finished our backsplash! Well, almost. There are a couple of spots that need touching up, but other than that, it's finished. Here are some before and after pictures for your viewing pleasure (please forgive me for the fauxtographerish quality).

Before: Huge ugly tile for the backsplash, ugly sink, ugly countertops, ugly appliances. Just plain ugly!

Also, I've been doing a workout program called Bodyrock. It's online, and completely FREE. I'm doing their 30 day challenge (I'm currently on day 13), and it's been pretty intense. The first day they have you do a fitness test. You do as many reps as you can in 50 seconds. Here's how I scored.
Squat Jumps: 23
Push Ups: 16
Burpees: 10
High Knees: 119
Switch Lunges: 22
Tuck Jumps: 14
Straight Abs: 16
Two weeks later you do another fitness test with the same exercises. I saw a lot of improvement.
Squat Jumps: 31
Push Ups: 28
Burpees: 16
High Knees: 131
Switch Lunges: 32
Tuck Jumps: 30
Straight Abs: 30
So basically, my first fitness test was pretty weak, but it's cool to see such a big improvement within two weeks. At least it's a big improvement in my eyes. I haven't worked out in a long time, so it was quite a shock on my body. I had a hard time walking the first week, but I feel good now. I'm starting to see muscle definition in my abs and arms, which is really motivating. If you're looking for a basic workout program, I'd recommend this one. You can find it at They use pretty basic equipment in some of the exercises, but they show modifications for those who don't have the equipment.
If you've made it to the end of this post, congratulations! It was a long one, but we both survived. Buh bye now!
Hey hey Ash! I loved your post! That was so fun to read about all your new adventures!! You are awesome and your kitchen looks great! Plus, I'm jealous that you enjoy cooking. Maybe when I have a little counter space I won't mind it as bad. I doubt it but you never know!
Nice! That's a big project to tackle. Did you do the tiling yourselves, too?
Yep. Tons of work, but it turned out pretty good.
Kitchen looks good. I'm hoping to be able to post before and afters of our bathroom soon, but it's taking longer than we would like.
Love what you did with the kitchen! We got our hardware at IKEA (so, not too expensive).
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