Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I'm one of those crazy dog bloggers

Tony had her first trip to the groomer's this morning. The groomer did a "puppy introductory cut." I guess they do this when the dog hasn't had it's hair cut before. They just trim around the face, ears, paws, and bum. The groomer said Tony did a really good job, so she would be fine with a real haircut next time. Since we don't have kids, I have to give you updates on our dog ;)

The Before

This is what Tony looked like when she woke me up to take her outside this morning. I'm pretty sure she gets the award for worst bed head. I think her ears were flipped back, so that added to the crazy factor. She's got kind of a Don King thing going on.

The After

Her Hair is still pretty long all over, but she'll be going back in a couple of weeks for a full haircut. I think her little bow looks pretty cute :)

P.S. I may or may not have copied this blog from an email I sent to Dave. I'm lazy. So sue me.
P.P.S. This morning I had a crazy Charlie Horse in my neck. I've never had one there before, but I can't move my head at all today. Not cool.


Andrea said...

That first picture is hilarious.

Sorry about your neck. I didn't know you could get charlie horses in necks. Hope it feels better very soon.

Jenni said...

Okay, I'm super impressed that you're old enough to be married and have a dog and you've never had a charlie horse in your neck.