Monday, October 22, 2007

Too Much Information

So I've been working on a research paper for my English 311 class, and I feel like my head could explode at any moment from "information overload." My teacher wants us to come up with an original idea that nobody has ever thought of before. So my question is, "How am I supposed to RESEARCH it if it's a new idea?!?!" The paper is supposed to be 10 pages long. I am currently at 6 pages and I have no more to write about. Awesome huh? In a nutshell, my topic is on why biodiesel is a superior fuel to gasoline and other alternative fuels. Not very original, I know. I'm just sick and tired of trying to come up with a new idea and the stupid thing is due Tuesday. Thankfully this class is on a block so Tuesday is the last day of the class as well. YAY!!!

On a lighter note... I went with my friend to her family's ward today. Her mom plays the piano in the primary and they were practicing for their primary program. It was so fun to see all the little kids goofing off and disobeying the teachers. They were picking their noses, running around the room, boys pinching girls... Overall, it made me glad not to be a primary teacher, but it was pretty entertaining I have to admit. It's always weird going back to a family ward after being in a student branch. Sacrament meeting suddenly gets a lot louder.


Andrea said...

Have you brought up the great ethanol waste of time? Ethanol only puts out 70% as much energy as the equivalent quantity of gasoline (not sure about diesel/bio) and how in order to grow enough corn to offset the gasoline crisis we would run out of water. Anyway, I would spend a page or so ripping on ethanol. Don't even get me started on subsidies for corn.

Andrea said...

Just so you know that was not from me. I was talking to my brother in law the other day, and got a whole new perspective on the corn made fuel. He's against it because as a rancher, this makes the price of corn and other agricultural stuff go way up. That probably doesn't help you, but I thought it was interesting.

Ashlee said...

I did do a little bit on why ethanol isn't as good as biodiesel, but I haven't heard this before. Hopefully that will help fill up some space!

Jenni said...

It's already Tuesday night, so I'm sure this won't help you anymore, but one of the great things about writing a paper on an "original" topic which people don't know much about is that your teacher probably won't know what you're talking about anyway, so you can totally make stuff up! Don't think I didn't BS my way through my thesis!

Ashlee said...

Haha, I did do a lot of BSing, I'll admit. Hopefully it was enough!

Hilary said...

yay you're done!