Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Nice Surprise

I'm pretty sure Thanksgiving was the most amazing thing ever because I was able to have sugar for the first time in a long time. It was definitely hard the next day though looking in the fridge and seeing the pie and knowing I couldn't have any. Sad day... I had to work on Black Friday and it was the craziest thing ever. People were just pulling things off the racks without trying them on and running to get in line. Before we opened there was a line from the front door all the way to the back of the parking lot. When the doors opened it was a mad rush. Now we're pretty much out of everything until we get more shipments in. The hardest part of the Thanksgiving break was going back to school after not having classes for an entire week.

So every semester BYU-I has a student fine arts show. Students submit their best pieces and they are judged by the art directors. If they are chosen they are displayed in the Spori art gallery. Well I wasn't planning on putting anything in the show so I didn't worry about it. I went to my ceramics class today and my teacher said that he submitted one of my pieces without me knowing and it made it in! I was pretty surprised to say the least considering I hadn't thought about it much. If you guys want me to make you vases or anything like that just let me know. You'll have to tell me pretty fast though, our last day to use the throwing wheels is Friday. Have a great day everyone!


Andrea said...

Congrats! That's exciting. I would love a piece of your work.

Hilary said...

cool! Good job. K, make me a sofa. Just kiddin. You shouldn't have offered, because now I'm thinking of things that would rock. This is random, but I kinda want a vase-shaped thing to hold my cooking spoons and stuff. Not too narrow, but tall enough so they wouldn't fall out. Like basically an oatmeal cylinder. Haha. Anyway, you don't have to make it, but maybe it will give you ideas.