Do you ever have those times that you know you need to update your blog, but you just don't know what to say? Well, that's me. That has always been me with this stupid blog. I get annoyed when my friends and family don't update their blogs. You guys must be super annoyed with me. I talk to people who say that during the day they have moments when they think "This would be perfect for my blog," or "I've got to blog about this!" Well my dear friends, those thoughts just don't cross my mind. I wish they did. Oh, how I wish they did. It would make things more interesting for all of us. I think back to those days when I was on the yearbook staff and I could write for hours on end... Literally. Jared knows what I'm talking about. Deadline nights. You're there until 10p.m. and all you do is write, crop pictures, and then write some more. Where did my creativity go? I've come up with an explanation. I need inspiration... But, I don't know where to find that. Any ideas?
I envy those people who update their blog regularly, and it's always fun and creative. I'm an "artist." At least that's what they tell me I am. Shouldn't I be creative too? Sometimes I wonder if I can really call myself an artist at all. Most of the time I just feel like a poser. I often wonder if my teachers think I'm in the wrong field. I would if I were them ;) Or maybe I'm just being my overcritical self. Do you want to know what drives me crazy? When someone asks me in a cheeky tone, "Photography, what in the world can you do with that? You're not going to make any money!" That's when I get fired up. That's when things get ugly. That's when I want to play punch face. Can't someone do something just because they like it? If I wanted to be a millionaire I'd be going into medicine, but I don't like blood. I could be a lawyer, but then people think you're a liar. I could be an accountant, but I'd probably want to gouge my eyes out with a pencil every second of every minute of every hour of every day of my life.
Maybe you should leave the Jell-O Belt.
That's a great idea.
Well if my vote counts, I think you are an artist and an amazing photographer. Way to step outside the "I'm in el ed or I'm in nursing bubble." You best friends took care of those degrees. Love ya Ash!
I had a great comment idea, and then the computer I'm on took way too long to load this and the idea has vanished. :)
Oh, I was thinking about yearbook copy and creativity. Our yearbook must have been eons different than yours. I would in no way categorize yearbook copy with creativity. No offense intended. I'm just sayin'.
Nice try but I know you did not take that picture, it is way too out of focus for you to have done this shoot. As for accounting, I know your math skills, I just don't think you would have to worry about your eyeballs...(joke here inset laugh) your momma thinks you are a great little artist, she also thinks you do a great job of the blog, but you need to do it more often.notines
I know how you feel. I feel like this sometimes too. I know you can't leave the "Jell-O Belt" right away...but I have a suspicion that you are feeling stuck, because it seems like "photographer" around there = baby and wedding portraits with super blown out colors. Well guess what. You don't have to try and fit in with something you don't want to do.
Maybe write down a list of things or places you'd like to document, and then every weekend go out and take some fab pictures. Don't try to impress anyone, especially teachers, and have fun. And then you can blog about each outing!
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