Well, where do I start? It's so hard to find an adequate starting point with such an amazing picture. So, I guess I'll just tell you how I stumbled across this great scene. The p-rents and I were on an excursion to the Sugar City Cemetery when I looked across the road and spied these two beauties. Of course I didn't have my camera with me at the time, so as soon as we got home, I grabbed it and drove back up so I could capture this priceless shot. For some reason, finding crazy things like these on the side of the road brings me great joy. It's a good thing I snapped this pic when I did, because I drove by a couple days later, and they were gone. Who just leaves two toilets on the side of the road?!?! Idaho rednecks, that's who.

Here are the little chillens with the booty they scored on the Easter egg hunt we had for them. They were all pretty dang excited, and they all were/are pretty dang cute. Unfortunately, moments later was when Jonas had his infamous accident which is explained in detail on Andrea's blog
here, and

And finally, this is what happens when you and your friends are snowed in in the middle of April. That's right folks! Eight inches of snow decided to fall on Provo while I was visiting my friends. I wanted to cry, so Hailee and Michelle bought me my very own two liter of Raspberry cream soda. Mmmmm.
I love the picture. I don't know what I like more, the splayed guts of the toilet on the right or the headstones in the background. Well done.
Very happy for your update!
It must be mating season for toilets. I've seen duck couples, elderbug couples, and now toilet couples. Spring is IN the air!
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