Thanks everyone for your birthday phone calls, texts, and gifts. It was a good day. My office at work is in the process of getting remodeled, so I got to go home at about 11am on Friday. Hizzah! Best b-day present ever :)
Dave went to a lot of trouble to make sure I had a fun birthday. I don't see much of my husband due to work and his Master's program. Not cool. Anyway, he's been staying really late at work almost every night. We're talking midnight usually. So it was no surprise when he told me on Thursday he was going to be working late again. I went to bed and was fast asleep when suddenly the lights came on, and Dave was standing there with a cake fully lit with candles. I was so disoriented, I didn't really know what to think. Waking up like that scared me to death, and my heart was pounding out of my chest. Once I (finally) grasped what was going on, I blew out the candles, and we had cake at 12:30am. He had left work early and made the cake at our friend Amy's house. It was a very cool surprise... Once my heart returned to a normal rhythm that is.
Dave got off of work around 5 on Friday, and we headed up to Park City for dinner. We went to a little place called the Baja Cantina. Soooo very tasty. We then went to Provo because I wanted to go to a concert I had heard about. This band is pretty awesome. They put kind of a bluegrass spin on church hymns. They are called The Lower Lights, and you should check them out
here. I recommend you listen to Ye Elders of Israel first. It is pretty awesome. Unfortunately, the whole album is no longer available to listen to for free, but a few songs are still up. Don't worry, it's not cheesy Mormon pop. Although, I'm sure I'll still be made fun of for liking it.
In other news, I talked Dave into letting me get new running shoes since mine were pretty much destroyed from the Dirty Dash. So, we bought these babies...

Let me introduce you to my new pair of Asics Cumulus Gel 11 (AKA the most amazing shoe ever). I can almost hear my feet let out a sigh of relief when I put these on. They are that comfy. It's amazing how a nice pair of shoes can make running a lot more pleasant. Or a lot less torturous, depending on how you look at it :)