Getting a phone with a decent camera has been pretty fun. I've never really used the camera on my cell phone much, but after getting this new one (5 megapixels), I've found myself snapping quite a few. That doesn't necessarily mean the pictures turn out great since you can't control exposure, white balance, etc with it, but I still like to take them. I hardly ever have my nice camera with me, and I don't have a little point and shoot, so this makes it nice.

We decided to drive up to Rexburg this weekend to surprise my mom and dad. We got to the house but they were gone. We needed to run errands in town, so we decided to kidnap Jack. I sent this picture to my mom's phone hoping to confuse her as to what we were doing with her dog, but I forgot she doesn't know how to use a phone. Just kidding, mom :) But seriously... She didn't even see it until they got to the house and I asked her if she liked my text message. I could tell by the confused look on her face that she had no idea what I was talking about.
Oh, and please don't make fun of my nasty Donald Trump hair in this picture. We had been playing hockey. So there.

Is this a bad sign?

I passed this truck while on a walk the other day. Your guess is as good as mine.
Sweet, a new post. What kind of phone did you get. I understand we're all on t-mobile again.
Hey Ashkee!
I thought for a second that you got a dog of your own. I mean your hair looks cute and all but not long enough for you to get your part of the long hair/dog bargain. I love your posts!
In my defense we were in the mountains with no reception, & even the radio was on when we were within range of the radio so I did not even check my phone...& we were in the truck...I could not hear the radio above the truck noise so there...mean on earth could I hear my phone??? I am old & Ash is mean!!!
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