Dave went to the eye doctor a few days ago because his prescription was about 6 years old. Plus, one of his lenses was scratched to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks. The Air Force said they'd mail the glasses to us, and when I got home today I found the package in the mail box. Dave was pretty excited to get them. We were surprised to find THREE pairs of glasses. Three pairs of totally awesome glasses. One of the pairs looks like this. David didn't know why they asked for his gas mask size, but today we found out. Apparently these babies are supposed to go UNDER the gas mask. They look about a half inch thick. I'm sure that's an exaggeration, but the lenses are ridiculously thick. I tried them on, and they were totally like beer goggles. My husband didn't bother to mention while we were dating that he was practically blind. I might have thought about things more if I would have known that... Just kidding.

I'm really diggin' the poky ears in this one. I've never had poky ears, but the rubber band apparently does wonders for people with normal ears.

Here's a good shot of what they look like. You can tell I took this picture because it's not shaky unlike the one of me :) Love you anyway, Dave!
Love the glasses, but more importantly, love your hair in that pic. Remember how you give me hair envy? And my hair is pretty awesome, so that's saying something.
The blurry-cam picture is awesome. It makes you look like a mad scientist.
So, those black things behind the lenses are rubber bands?
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