I went to an awesome concert last night. I'm sure I'll get it from all of you for admitting this publicly, but it was a country concert! I never thought that an actual country star would come so close to home. It was in Idaho Falls at the Civic Auditorium. Not that any of you care, but his name is Jason Aldean, so if you have the least bit of interest in country music you should check him out because he's GOOD.
I got all the details about my New York trip so here we go. We leave on Feb. 25th and we come back home on March 2nd. We're hitting almost every major museum and/or gallery. Plus we're going to the Apple store. I thought it was the coolest thing ever that my professor actually put that in the itinerary. I've never seen it, but it is supposed to be amazing. I think I might try to talk him into letting us go to the David Letterman Show or something. We'll see. We're going to hit some of the tourist sights as well. Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, Staten Island... I'll make sure to find the Hello Deli and take pictures for you all. Maybe I'll be able to get a picture with Rupert. All I can say is that if that happened my life would be complete!

So glad you finally had some time to update. You know, I thought you'd look so different with your new hair, but you look the same to me. Maybe it's the lighting.
Anyway, good luck with school!
I am so disappointed in you. I guess I should have been around more when you were smaller to make sure that you developed a better sense of music. Your camera is cool though (not cool enough to make up for the music).
awesome possum!
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