Okay, since everyone else is doing it, so am I. I have been sucked into the world of blogging!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
I made it! Bom bom chicka wah wah!!!
As the genie on Aladdin so eloquently puts it, "I'M FREEEEEEEEEE!!!" That's right folks, the semester is over. Can I get a Hallelujah? Finals this time around were H-E-double hockey sticks. I am so glad they are over, I can't even tell you! I think my grades are going to be pretty good this semester, except for in my New Testament class, but that's another story. I took a guitar class this semester and so I had to do a playing test today for the final. We had to memorize a picking style song so I chose "Eleanor Rigby." Of course I put it off until the last second so I memorized it last night. It took me about 4 hours so my fingers are very sore today. I had quite a few projects and tests due for my photography classes and those took so much time! Plus my teacher wanted all our prints mounted and matted. I spent about$20 just on the mats. It's so frustrating to me that they don't include things like that in the lab fee. And each piece of paper that we print on is about $2.50 a page. That really ads up in the end. I'm going to post pictures of my pottery from ceramics in a couple of days and you guys can duke it out. If you like one and want it, just claim it and I'll make sure to save it for you. It will be first come first serve. Here are some pictures from my projects I thought you might enjoy. The ones with mom and dad were part of a series for my history of photography class. My teacher really liked them, I got an A at least! The others were for my studio lighting class so they may not be all that interesting to you. You learn a lot about commercial photography in that class so the pictures aren't all that exciting. My favorite one isn't on this computer so I guess you guys will just have to wait to see that one. I bet you're just dieing to see it! I can sense the anticipation...

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So, who's the kid with the horse?
Hallelujah!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! I love your pictures!
Is that it for the summer? Or do you have to take summer school classes? I took one summer school class. It was a 5 unit chemistry class. I've never taken a summer school class again.
Haha, no, I'm done until September. That's how I feel about online classes though. I will never take one of those again!
Andrea, that's Ashlee's boyfriend. Heeee heeee!
How did you not get an A in your religion class?
jay kay.
HaHa! Yeah right, he's not even close to my boyfriend. That's my friend Rick. He wishes he were a cowboy ;)
Oh Ashlee! I miss you so much! Im sad I didn't get to say goodbye! Im sorry RMS is worse with out me, but I don't believe that its because im gone..I hope all goes well for you! Miss ya girl!
Hey Ashlee,
This is Ellen Tew. I came upon your blog through someone else's I'm not even sure who's anymore. But I wanted to say hi.
I have a blog too, although I recently made it private, but I'd be happy to email you an invite to view it, I'd just would need your email address, if you're interested email me at tew05003@byui.edu.
So good to see what your up to, sorry if I'm that makes me a snoop.
Oh, and your photographs are amazing. I'm supre impressed.
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