Two posts within 24 hours?! Yes, it is true my friends.
We often get in cheap wallets, purses, shoes, and other items at work. They usually come from China, and sometimes (if we're lucky) they come with these little gems.

It's always fun to try and guess what they mean with these labels. You can tell that it was run through a very poor computerized translation system. I really have a deep love for these babies. My only hope is that one day I can reach the "fragrant personal status."
P.S. Sorry about the poor picture. It was scanned from our copier, so obviously you don't get the best results with that.
I guess that means I'm a "white get." I am curious, though, what other species VALOJUSHA creates products for, since it is a "multispecies" company.
I know, right? Judging by their logo, I'm going to go with sharks, and possibly other sea creatures.
We got a kick out of these types of things when we were in Mexico earlier this year. Especially in restaurants. So funny.
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