1. Pretty sure I'm a little OCD. I feel like I'm constantly washing my hands or using sanitizer. When I was in 6th grade, I won the clean hands award. True story.
2. When I was in high school, I went on a "business trip" with my parents to Las Vegas. While we were there, I got to meat Morgan and Paul Hamm.
3. I have 20/20 vision. I've been prescribed glasses three or four times, but the last time I went to the eye doctor (a couple of weeks ago), my eyes had improved. Yay!
4. I studied marshal arts for a couple of years.
5. I can't leave my house if my makeup and hair aren't done. I'm pretty sure I got that from my mom. No shopping in PJs for me!
6. I may or may not be a little addicted to Angry Birds. But who isn't?!
7. When I was in third grade, I broke the middle finger on my left hand. Not fun, but I got to wear a sweet splint for a few weeks :)
8. I'm the music leader in relief society. It always makes my day when the cute old ladies give me a hug and tell me they love the hymns I pick. They're sweetie pies.
9. One of my pictures from work will be in Woman's World Magazine next month. Coming to a news stand near you!
10. I really love vegetables. Like a lot.
11. Every time I see one of those vinyl family stickers on the back of a car, I have to keep myself from cussing. I really hate those things.
12. I taught myself to ride a bike. AJ left his bike out on the lawn one day, and I decided I should give it a whirl. I actually got it on the first try.
13. Top Chef is probably my favorite TV show ever.
14. I am now officially a Hensley (changed my name on my SS card) and (unfortunately) a Utah resident.
15. I've never been pulled over. Knock on wood.
I had a nice comment that didn't save for some reason. :(
Anyway, great list, but your picture isn't showing for some reason (just a big empty space).
I don't like the vinyl family stickers either. Why announce that you have all these kids. I mean, the minivan is a bit of a giveaway, but is it really necessary to let all the predators out there know exactly how many and what gender your kids are?
Not just on carsI hate the vinyl sayings on walls too...because I am mean...I think it is tacky, my mother never allowed me to write on myself or the wall so to this day I think "somebody is going down for this" when I see writing on the walls...sort of scares me.
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