Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 10- A story about a past relationship

Well, I definitely wouldn't consider this a "relationship," but it is a funny story about a blind date I went on.

A friend I worked with talked to me for weeks about this guy he wanted to set me up with. He totally talked this guy up. He was supposed to be my perfect match. As we all know, blind dates never turn out this way, unless you're my parents, but that's another story.

I don't remember his name, so we'll call him Jim. Jim called me a few days before we went out and asked me to go to a movie. We decided to see Bedtime Stories, because we both thought it looked like a good show. He said he'd pick me up at 6:30.

6:30 came and went and Jim hadn't shown up. I got a call from him at about 6:45 saying he was running late. I gave him directions to my house, and he said he'd be there in 10 minutes. Once again, 10 minutes came and went. No sign of Jim. Another half an hour rolled by, and Mr. Perfect was nowhere to be found. Now, anyone who's been to my house knows that it's really not THAT hard to find.

I got another phone call from Jim saying he was lost. I asked him where he was, and he was on the complete opposite side of town. I started to think that this kid must not be too bright. Awhile later I saw a car going up and down my street like the person driving it was lost. I figured it was my date, so I called him and asked if he was lost again. Of course he was! I told him he was right outside my house. He finally came in, met my mom, and we left in a hurry because we were running late. At this point, I found out Jim was driving his mom's box van because he got his car stuck in a snow bank earlier. Hence the reason he was late. Well, partially. He was mostly late because he couldn't navigate his way through the thriving metropolis of Rexburg.

We got in the car, he put it in reverse, stepped on the gas, and backed straight in to AJ's massive truck... We got out to check the damage, and the poor kid looked scared to death. But not nearly as scared as when we went in to tell AJ. AJ had a shaved head and a bushy beard. He looked pretty intimidating. My date stumbled over his words, so I broke the news to AJ. We went out to look over the damage. Thankfully AJ's truck only suffered a broken taillight cover. However, the back of the van was a different story. The tailgate was completely smashed in. Jim kept saying over and over how his mom was going to kill him. I just kept thinking, "How did you not see a HUGE F350?!?!?!" AJ let the kid off easy and told him not to worry about the truck. He happened to have an extra taillight cover, so he could easily fix it.

After the color in Jim's face reappeared, we finally left for the movie. Let's just say that Jim's driving skills did not improve. We were sliding all over the road, and he almost rear-ended another car. The Indiana Jones Ride had nothing on this guy! We somehow managed to make it to the movie alive. Of course we missed over half of it.

After a scary ride back home, and Jim saying, "We should do this again sometime," I ran back into the safety of my house never to see him again.


Andrea said...

An excellent and entertaining story!

mommafriz said...

ou forgot the rest of the story, how three days latter he totaled his mom's minivan. Just glad you were not in it at the time.

Hilary said...

haha I remember that.

Yep, I married that scary bearded gentleman. He protects me.

Hilary said...

by the way, i love that you remember which movie you supposed to see, but not the kid's name. lol.